Here are examples on how to make this configuration for Apache: You can secure access to the map files with some configuration to your webservers to only allow access with this header. X-TrackJS-Sourcemap-Key: YOUR_SOURCEMAP_KEY Copy TrackJS Request Header TIP You can find your secret source map key in the Account section of the TrackJS UI. We will include a custom X-TrackJS-Sourcemap-Key header with every source map request our servers make. } Copy Secure source maps by IP on Nginx Securing by Header You can secure access to the map files with some configuration to your webservers to only allow access from these addresses. We will make the request from these static IP Addresses: Securing by IP AddressĪlternatively, you can validate the request by checking the requesting IP Addresses are from TrackJS. We will make the request from known IP Addresses and include an authentication header that you can use to validate. If you do not want to expose your source maps publicly, you can secure access to them by validating that the request came from TrackJS. If you’ve optionally included the original source in your map, we will include that and beautify it as well. The source map file itself must be accessible.Īssuming these criteria are met, you’ll see a little green toggle in the stack trace pane, and you’ll now have real file, lines and columns to look at.There must be a single source map directive in the file.The JavaScript file(s) in the stack frames must be accessible.When you view an error where the stack trace has this annotation, TrackJS will attempt to retrieve the map file and apply it. Your minified files should also have the an annotation on the last line similar to //# sourceMappingUrl=scripts.js.map. map files being generated alongside your minified scripts. Once you’ve configured source maps for your build, you’ll see. TIP Unsure how to enable source maps for your toolchain? Check out this article. Source maps can be produced automatically from many build tools such as WebPack and Rollup.
Source maps are intermediary files that connect your final minified source code with the original source files that produced it, even if the original files are in a different language such as TypeScript or JSX.